

    日期:2017-08-09 人气:125548
    导读: Yandex announced in Russian that they have updated their calculations and metrics they use for their thematic index of citations (TIC). The blog post is in Russian, but using Google Tr


    Yandex announced in Russian that they have updated their calculations and metrics they use for their thematic index of citations (TIC). The blog post is in Russian, but using Google Translate, Yandex wrote there were some “serious changes” made to that algorithm to “clean reference signal mechanisms.” They said they “excluded many outdated figures” “from the calculation algorithm.”

    Yandex用俄语宣告他们最近更新了其网页排名规则TIC的算法和评分机制。文章是用俄语写的,可是使用Google Translate,能够看到Yandex写道他们对算法作了一些“严重的改动”以“清理参阅要素机制”,而且“从算法里”“扫除掉了很多过期的数据”。


    TIC is Yandex’s version of Google PageRank. Yandex’s help document on TIC describes it as

    TIC是Yandex版别的Google PageRank。Yandex的协助文档对TIC是这样描述的:


    Thematic Citation Index (TIC) determines the “credibility” of internet resources based on a qualitative assessment of links to other sites. The greater the quality the more “weight” the link is said to have. This indicator is calculated by a specially developed algorithm. The similarity in content between the source and the site to which it links, plays an important part in this equation. The number of links to a specific site also influences the TIC value, but the TIC is not ultimately defined by the quantity of links, but the total of their weights.



    The Russian Search Tips blog explained, “TIC is an equivalent of Google PageRank, but unlike PageRank, TIC still gets regular updates and gives quite replicable indication about website’s authority.” That means that although Google killed Toolbar PageRank, Yandex still shows their scores to webmasters.

    俄罗斯查找技巧博客解说说:“TIC等同于Google PageRank,但与PageRank又不一样,TIC仍会有定时的更新,而且为网站的权威性供给颇具仿制性的评判规范。”这意味着尽管Google撤销了工具栏排名,Yandex仍会将得分向站长公布。


    Russian webmasters have noticed their scores changed yesterday. The Russian Search Tips blog added, “The main changes in the TIC calculation formula concern inbound link-based signals, which is in line with the latest changes in Yandex search algorithm.”



    Yandex is the largest search engine in Russia. With about 60 percent market share in that country, it is the fourth-largest search engine worldwide.


    文本来自采集文章 http://xian.07557.net/25/94.html 如需转载或删除,请联系管理员。

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